The Hack-Lamp
The Hack Lamp is an interactive user based - desk lamp. This lamp is meant for home decor as well as offices. The lamp is supposed to mimick the HackBerry Lab logo. This unqiue lamp takes inspiration from many different projects that are based in HackBerry Lab Rome GA. The projects are scatterfield and event horizon. This lamp utilizes LEDs as well as a capacitive touch senosor that allows for user interaction. The light only needs the touch of a wire which it will sense the natural current from the human body. Once it has this intial charge, it will then command the LEDs to turn on when current is sensed. 
The Process
Below you will find the intial designs and sketches that were envisoned for the lamp. The first are designs that were developed using Inkscape, which in turn were sent to a laser cutter.The second is the actual schematic for the wiring process behind the lamp. 
The Construction 
This consisted of using wood as the overall structure of the project. I also used golf balls to simulate the Hackberry logo. I first sent the designs to the laser cut out out the frame from which the ping pong balls will hang from. In addition, I used another piece of plywood to serve as the support for the frame. The way I went to connect these objects was adhesive via a high temp glue gun. Beforehand, I ensured to stain the wood pieces to have a more aesthetic finish. 
Here is a video simulating the actual purpose and use for this product for a user.
Final Product
The Final product of this lamp does consist of 7 interatcive LEDs. However, due to a bit of a learning curve to wire managment and soldering. This makes the final product very delicate and fragile. However, for further iteration, better soldering techniques and more stability among the wires will transform this product for better user-enjoyment. 
The Hack Lamp

The Hack Lamp
